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Laptop & Coffee


Quirky stories from history that I liked writing and hopefully, you'll like reading.

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Notebook and Fountain Pen

About Me

I’m so glad you’ve arrived. My website is where I share with you, articles I have written about all types of stories from the past. I am from Ireland. I am a secondary History and English teacher and I live and work in Dubai. I hope you enjoy my site and all of the unique content I create. I have enjoyed writing these stories, hopefully, you'll enjoy reading them. I write one new story every month, you can read it, as well as everything else I've written below.

Home: About Me

The Ballot Box, Catalonia's GPO?

“An angel robed in spotless white, Bent down and kissed the sleeping Night. Night awoke to blush; the sprite was gone. Men saw the blush...

Roger Casement: The Gay Irish Revolutionary?

“Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels in the bank, and buy a revolver.” – Countess Markievicz Since his...

The Original Feminist

“I was elected by the women of Ireland, who instead of rocking the cradle, rocked the system.”- Mary Robinson Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington...

Immortalised in Song

“There can be no greater delusion than to imagine that a language can be kept alive alone by teaching. A language can have no real life...

Fight or Flight

“Quite simply, I maintained contact with Sinn Fein and believed that there had to be a political, not a military, solution to the...

Fourteen Days

“The path to peace is never easy. They have chosen hope over hate, the promise of the future over the poison of the past.” – Bill Clinton...

Clutching at Straws for Coalition?

To use an old cliché, unless you have been living under a rock, by now you’ll have learned that Theresa May’s Conservative government and...

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"Slán. Go raibh maith agat as do chuairt."

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